How can I get paid to care for my family member at home?
Discover the benefits of the Structured Family Caregiver program (SFC), providing financial assistance and support services to families in Georgia who provide care at home for seniors or individuals with disabilities.
What criteria must be met to qualify as a family caregiver?
You may meet SFC requirements and be eligible for financial compensation if:
You live in the home with the person as the primary caregiver and are least 18 years of age.
Are related biologically as a daughter, grandson, etc. or are related through marriage as a daughter-in-law, son-in-law, etc. Spouses and legal guardians are not eligible.
The person you care for is Georgia Medicaid-eligible and participates under the CCSP or SOURCE waiver program. Easterseals can assist you in applying for this program!
Benefits of Participating in the Structured Family Caregiver Program:
SFC provides supports to enable caregivers to continue providing continuous quality care to their loved one in the home. Benefits include:
Health coaching, clinical and professional oversight
Ongoing support, resources, and guidance
Caregiver financial stipends for CCSP and Source waiver members whose family caregiver lives in the home with the member.